“Played with eloquent command”
“A lot of the credit on these recordings has to go to Golden and Chang who really pour their heart, soul… and every conceivable emotion into their performances. It feels like the duo know these pieces inside out….And yet their performances here feel fresh and inviting.”
“A delightful recital that never plays with a good for you pretense, this is a fine gateway to expand your horizons to the south.”
“Listeners previously unexposed to Haitian classical works will find no difficulty warming to the material when melody and emotional expression are abundant and when the performers amplify those aspects so powerfully. Chang's playing is sterling throughout, Golden's ravishing. Collectively Tanbou Kache provides an illuminating overview of the country's classical music repertoire”
— textura
“Golden’s closely-miked dark-hued tone and expressive phrasing, aided by Taiwanese-Canadian pianist Shawn Chang, make a strong case for the unfairly neglected music of this unfairly neglected country.”
“Beyond the sheer emotional impact of the music, this album has enormous historical value. If the rest of the Haitian classical repertoire is anything like this, it should be vastly better known.”
— New York Music Daily